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Sweet Nothings

1. Thank you for letting me stay in your heart without paying any rent ;)

2. To my today, and all of my tomorrow. Cheers to togetherness!

3. Thank you for always cleaning the house when I'm tired. I love you <3

4. Think MasterChef, then imagine its opposite; that’s how my partner (you) and I cook.

5. What’s the definition of home? You with me! <3

6. Throwback to when the pancakes were late to our date... Happy one year, boo!

7. Not always eye to eye, but always heart to heart. Sending you love, baby <3

8. To the place where we made meals and memories! 10 years together- check!

9. To the beginning of a new place and new memories. Welcome home!

10. Hey! Wanted to tell you I'm wearing the smile you gave me...

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