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Pick your Query Here
How much does it cost?

We’ve maps starting from ₹500. You can go to our website and check it out.

How much time does it take to deliver?

It usually takes us 4-7 days to deliver as we ship the package the next day after the purchase. Sundays and Holidays excluded.

Are there any shipping charges?

Shipping via normal delivery is on us. However, Express Shipping and International

Shipping is chargeable at an extra cost.

Can I get it gift-wrapped?

Yes, product can be gift wrapped. This has an extra cost.

Will there be a label mentioning the price on the package?

There would be no price tag.

Can we make our marker?

 Yes, you can choose the no marker option on the website and ping us on WhatsApp or Instagram and let us know what’s your preferred marker.

 This is chargeable at an ex-tra cost.

What do we have to do to get a map?

Please follow the following steps:

Make your map

Preview it

Click the X sign beneath the preview

After clicking X sign, select the PICK FRAME option which will appear on the right bottom.

Choose your frame

Add to Cart

Proceed to payment

How many sizes do you make for Memory Maps?

There are three different sizes

4x4 inches

6x6 inches

8x8 inches

What does the box look like, and what will it have?

The box is matt black colored box and will have the map with the bubble wrap to pro


tect it

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